Welcome to Grup İmaj Lighting, where innovation meets sustainability.
Since 1996, we’ve been a pioneer in the lighting industry, pushing the boundaries of technology to create eco-friendly products that light up the world while preserving our planet.
Our journey began with producing ballasts, followed by expanding into fixture production. For the last 10 years, we have been at the forefront of LED technology, focusing on future-driven, technological advancements that deliver cutting-edge lighting solutions.
Grup İmaj Lighting, established in 1996, began its journey with ballast production.
In 2008, we signed an agreement with TEDAŞ, which is one of Turkey's largest electricity distribution companies.
In 2010, with the establishment of the Symetry Point brand, we started producing conventional street lighting fixtures.
The years when the LED transformation in the lighting industry began... Quickly adapted to this transformation, Grup İmaj Lighting continued to grow with LED fixture production.
Between 2017 and 2019, we became one of the leading companies in the industry. Along with this, we increased our production capacity to 1,000,000 units.
With our knowledge and experience in lighting, we began to shape lighting technology. We established the GritLUX brand for fixture production, GritSOL for solar lighting production, and GritCON for lighting components.
As Grup İmaj continued to grow, we laid the foundations for our new factory in Bilecik to accommodate the increasing production volume. The factory, with a total area of 35,000 square meters, includes an Accredited Laboratory and 9,300 square meters dedicated to indoor production.
Alongside production, our R&D efforts continued in line with our technological goals. With the increasing workload and new projects, our R&D team relocated to the IT Valley.
As one of the leading brands in the industry, Grup İmaj Lighting illuminates various projects both locally and globally. We continue to pursue projects that meet the lighting needs of the future in line with evolving technology.
At Grup İmaj Lighting, our mission is to produce cutting-edge lighting solutions driven by advanced technology. We are dedicated to delivering energy-efficient and cost-effective lighting projects that uphold the highest standards of quality and sustainability.
With our state-of-the-art Bilecik Campus and an ever-expanding product range. We strive to illuminate spaces worldwide with innovative, reliable, and eco-friendly lighting solutions.
In essence, we aim to lead the industry with technologically advanced, efficient, and globally impactful lighting solutions that contribute to a sustainable future.
We believe in growing a culture of continuous improvement and excellence, empowering our employees.
At Grup İmaj Lighting, our vision is to lead the lighting industry into a sustainable and innovative future. We envision a future where technological innovation, environmental responsibility, employee empowerment, and global reach guide us towards a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.
We Aim to Be Part of the Solution to Light Pollution by Developing Products That Mitigate Its Effects, Ensuring Clearer, Healthier Skies.
We embrace the power of AI, integrating it into our Production and Business Processes to enhance Efficiency and drive Innovation. This allows us to produce smarter and more effective Lighting Solutions while managing our Business Operations in alignment with these Advancements.
Expanding our global footprint is key. We aim to increase our exports and forge strong global partnerships, bringing our high-quality lighting solutions to new markets.
We aim to be a high Employee Value reputation firm by providing an environment that values our employees' growth, well-being, and contributions. As we step towards a brighter and more sustainable future together, may our path be bright.
For inquiries about our products, technical support, or partnership opportunities, please click the button below to access our contact form. Let’s illuminate your projects together!
For inquiries about our products, technical support, or partnership opportunities, please click the button below to access our contact form. Let’s illuminate your projects together!